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Babylon Talks - Reporting & Feedback

Babylon Talks – Feedback:

Babylon UFSD is committed to connecting with and listening to our communities feedback. Please take a moment to submit the form below and we will review this feedback and ensure that every submission receives the appropriate follow up in a timely fashion.

Babylon Talks - Feedback Form

Babylon Talks – Report Bullying/Harassement:

Babylon Union Free School District is committed to providing an educational and working environment that promotes respect, dignity, and equality, and one that is free from all forms of bullying or harassment.

If you believe you have been a target of bullying or harassment, if you are a relative of a victim, a teacher, counselor or other staff member and wish to report an incident of alleged bullying or harassment, please complete this form.  Anything reported here will be directed to our school and district administrators. Once submitted, reporters will receive confirmation of their submission and can expect follow-up contact from a member of our administrative team.

If you believe this incident is an emergency or could cause immediate harm to yourself or others and needs immediate attention, please call 911.

Babylon Talks - Report Bullying/Harassment