The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), is a New York State law that aims to create a safe and supportive learning environment for public elementary and secondary school students.
The Babylon Code of Conduct has incorporated the Dignity Act, which was created to give students an educational environment free of discrimination and harassment. The Dignity Act protects all individuals in publi schools in New York State from discrimination, harassment and persecution on the bases if actual or perceived characteristics of race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, sex/gender, secual oritentation, gender identity or disability.
Protection is not limited to the groups or characteristics listed above. For example, individuals are protected if they are harassed because of their socioecomomic status even though “socioeconomic” is not explicitly listed. An individual harassed for their height in either direction or their accent or speech style would be considered protected even though “heght” and “accent” are not explicitly listed. The intent of the Dignity Act is to create a safe, nonthreatening environment for ALL individuals in schools.
Dignity Act Coordinators have been appointed by the Board of Education for each school:
The district’s Title IX Officeer is the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. Principals are also compliance officers in their buildings.