School facilities are the property of the Babylon Union Free School District, supported by the citizens of the community, and the schools are an integral part of the community in terms of its intellectual and social expression and development. Because of that, the Board of Education wishes to do all that is possible to make the schools available to the community for educational and recreational purposes, consistent with the provisions of the New York State Education Law.
Since school facilities are the property of the Babylon Union Free School District and supported by the citizens of the community, and that the schools become and integral part of the community in terms of its intellectual and social expression and development, the Board of Education wishes to do all that is possible, consistent with the provisions of the New York State Education Law, to make the schools available to the community for educational and recreational purposes. This policy is intended to identify the uses that community groups may make of district facilities.
Permitted Uses
District facilities may be used at the discretion of the Board for the purposes listed below, subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in this policy and state and federal law.
Prohibited Uses
The following uses are specifically prohibited.
Conditions of Use for District Facilities
Application Procedure for Use of District Facilities
Athletic Facilities - Special Conditions
Season/Dates SPRING | Application Submission Period |
SPRING April 1 – June 30
SUMMER July 1 – August 31
FALL September 1 – November 30
WINTER December 1 – March 31
January 1 - January 31
April 1 - April 31
June 1 - June 30
September 1 - September 30
Ref: Education Law §414 Adoption date: April 2, 2001
Revised: March 8, 2004
Rules and Regulations
Address Telephone
Home Business
Adoption date: April 2, 2001
Revised: March 8, 2004
Hold Harmless Agreement
In consideration of the Babylon Union Free School District ______________________ agreeing to permit the use of district premises, the undersigned agrees to comply with all regulations of the Board of Education of Babylon Union Free School District to insure safety and security and to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Babylon Union Free School District, its servants, agents, and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceeding costs, including attorney fees, damages, expenses and liability arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the use of premises by the undersigned.
1. Notwithstanding any terms, conditions or provisions, in any other writing between the parties, the facility user hereby agrees to effectuate the naming of Babylon UFSD as an Additional Insured on the facility user's insurance policies, except for workers' compensation and N.Y. State Disability insurance.
2. The policy naming Babylon UFSD as an Additional Insured shall:
3. The facility user agrees to indemnify Babylon UFSD for applicable deductibles and self-insured retentions.
4. Minimum Required Insurance:
a. Commercial General Liability Insurance
$1,000,000 per Occurrence/ $2,000,000 Aggregate, with no exclusions for Athletic Participants
$2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations
$1,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury
$100,000 Fire Damage
$10,000 Medical Expense
b. Automobile Liability (When an organization’s vehicle is brought onsite)
$1,000,000 combined single limit for owned, hired, borrowed and non-owned motor
c. Workers' Compensation and NYS Disability Insurance (For Organizations With Employees)
Statutory Workers' Compensation (C-105.2 or U-26.3); and NYS Disability Insurance (DB-
120.1) for all employees. Proof of coverage must be on the approved specific form, as
required by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. ACORD certificates are
not acceptable. A person seeking an exemption must file a CE-200 Form with the state.
The form can be completed and submitted directly to the WC Board online.
d. Umbrella/Excess Insurance
General Use
$1 million each Occurrence and Aggregate. Umbrella/Excess coverage shall be on a follow-form basis or provide broader coverage over the required General Liability coverages.
Organized Athletic Leagues
$3 million each Occurrence and Aggregate. Umbrella/Excess coverage shall be on a follow-form basis or provide broader coverage over the required General Liability coverages.
Athletic/Recreational Camps
$5 million each Occurrence and Aggregate. Umbrella/Excess coverage shall be on a follow-form basis or provide broader coverage over the required General Liability coverages.
Carnivals and Firework Displays, etc.
$10 million each Occurrence and Aggregate. Umbrella/Excess coverage shall be on a follow-form basis or provide broader coverage over the required General Liability coverages.
5. The facility user acknowledges that failure to obtain such insurance on behalf of Babylon UFSD constitutes a material breach of contract and subjects it to liability for damages, indemnification, and all other legal remedies available to the District. The facility user is to provide the District with a certificate of insurance, evidencing the above requirements have been met, prior to the event.
Indemnification Agreement
Facility User does covenant and agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Babylon UFSD from and against any and all liability, loss, damages, claims or actions (including costs and attorney’s fees) for bodily injury and/or property damage, to the extent permissible by law, arising out of or in any way connected with the actual or proposed use of Babylon UFSD property, facilities and/or services, including but not limited to bodily injury to any employee, invitee, guest, spectator, contractor or subcontractor of facility user.
Facility User understands and agrees that its use of Babylon UFSD property and facilities includes, but is not limited to, all areas identified in the application and/or permit, and sidewalks, walkways, parking lots, entrances, stairs, and all other areas incidental to and/or connected with the use of the premises (hereinafter referred to as “incidental areas”). Facility User agrees that its indemnity and insurance obligations extend to the areas identified in the application and/or permit and any and all incidental areas.
Based upon your request, there may be fees associated with building facility use. Below are the fees which will be billed to your organization if necessary.
Please Note: Organizations with outstanding fees will not be able to submit additional requests for facility use.
Please use this checklist to be sure that all insurance requirements are met on your COI, and all supporting documents are submitted along with it, as everything will be passed along to our Risk Transfer Specialists for review.
*****In lieu of umbrella insurance, the applicable umbrella amount can be added to BOTH the “Each Occurrence” AND “General Aggregate” amounts noted above.
This section is required for any autos provided by the organization:
All Facility Use Requests are handled by our online system MasterLibrary – Schedules.
Register for an Account:
All facility use requests MUST be completed online. The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create an ML Schedules user account. You can do so by by clicking the link below. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. If your registration was successful you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
Facility Use Request:
Once your account is created you can start making facility use requests using ML Schedules by clicking the link below.
Please Note: If you have outstanding facility use invoices, you will NOT be able to make additional requests.
To help assist registering and making facilities use requests, please view the videos below.
Creating an Account:
Submit a Facility Use Request: