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1:1 Device Program, Policies and Procedures

Babylon School District issues 1:1 devices for use as part of their educational curriculum. It is the Babylon School District’s belief that these devices will help teachers develop the skills they need to become digitally literate and help their students become career ready with 21st century skills. These 21st century skills include:

  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Problem solving skills
  • Information and computer skills
  • Interpersonal and self-direction skills
  • Collaboration and communication in a global business world
  • Experience in an online learning community

Devices will allow students to direct their own learning and have a greater reliance on active learning strategies, which will allow students to be able to transfer knowledge across academic disciplines. The increased access to this technology will enhance instruction and provide more enrichment opportunities during the school day for students to further their academic accomplishments.


    The Board of Education is committed to optimizing student learning and teaching. The Board considers student access to a computer network, including the Internet, to be a powerful and valuable educational and research tool, and encourages the use of computers and computer-related technology in district classrooms solely for the purpose of advancing and promoting learning and teaching.

    The computer network can provide a forum for learning and can significantly enhance educational experiences and provide statewide, national and global communication opportunities for staff and students.

    All users of the district’s computer network and the Internet must understand that use is a privilege, not a right, and that use entails responsibility.

    The Superintendent of Schools shall establish regulations governing the use and security of the district's computer network. All users of the district’s computer network and equipment shall comply with this policy and those regulations. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action as well as suspension and/or revocation of computer access privileges.

    The Superintendent shall be responsible for designating an Administrator of Information Technology and a Network Administrator to oversee the use of district computer resources. The Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction will prepare in-service programs for the training and development of district staff in computer skills, and for the incorporation of computer use in appropriate subject areas.

    The Superintendent, working in conjunction with the Deputy Superintendent, Administrator of Information Technology, the Network Administrator and the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction will be responsible for the purchase and distribution of computer software and hardware throughout district schools.

    Adoption date: November 13, 2007
    Revised: October 19, 2009
    Revised: July 7, 2020


    The Board of Education is committed to undertaking efforts that serve to make safe for children the use of district computers for access to the Internet and World Wide Web. To this end, the Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to procure and implement the use of technology protection measures that block or filter Internet access:

    • For adults, to visual depictions that are obscene or child pornography, and
    • For minors, to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors, as defined in  the Children’s Internet Protection Act.

    Subject to staff supervision, however, any such measures may be disabled or relaxed for adults conducting bona fide research or other lawful purposes, in accordance with criteria established by the Superintendent or his or her designee.

    The Superintendent or his or her designee also shall develop and implement procedures that provide for the safety and security of students using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications; monitoring the online activities of students using district computers; and restricting student access to materials that are harmful to minors.

    In addition, the Board prohibits the unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information regarding students; unauthorized online access by students, including hacking and other unlawful activities; and access by students to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web. The Superintendent or his or her designee shall establish and implement procedures that enforce these restrictions.

    The Administrator of Information Technology designated under the district’s policy on the acceptable use of district computers (policy 4526) shall monitor and examine all district computer network activities to ensure compliance with this policy and accompanying regulation. The Administrator of Information Technology shall be responsible for ensuring that staff and students receive training on their requirements.

    All users of the district’s computer network, including access to the Internet and World Wide Web, must understand that use is a privilege, not a right, and that any such use entails responsibility. They must comply with the requirements of this policy and accompanying regulation, in addition to generally accepted rules of network etiquette, and the district’s policy on the acceptable use of computers and the internet (policy 4526). Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, the revocation of computer access privileges.

    As part of this policy, and the district’s policy on acceptable use of district computers (policy 4526), the district shall also provide age-appropriate instruction regarding appropriate online behavior, including:

    • interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and in chat rooms, and
    • cyberbullying awareness and response.

    Instruction will be provided even if the district prohibits students from accessing social networking sites or chat rooms on district computers.

    Cross-ref: 4526, Computer Use in Instruction

    Ref: Children’s Internet Protection Act, Public Law No. 106-554
    Broadband Data Services Improvement Act/ Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, Public Law No. 110-385, 47 USC §254, 20 USC §6777

    Adoption date: November 9, 2009
    Revised: July 7, 2020


    Student email can be a powerful communication tool for students to increase communication and collaboration. Students are encouraged to check their email at least once per day. Teachers may send email to grade school and Jr.-Sr. high school students to communicate reminders, course content, pose questions related to class work, and such. Students may send email to their teachers with questions or comments regarding class. Students may send email to other students to collaborate on group projects and assist with school classes. Students are encouraged to email staff concerning school-related content and questions. However, there will be no requirement or expectation for staff to answer student email outside of their regular workday, although they certainly may if they choose. For example, an unanswered email to a teacher would not excuse a student from turning in an assignment.

    The management of student email account access is critical to ensure safety, high quality and proper use of the system. The student email account management will be accomplished through the Office of Information Technology and managed by the Administrator for Information Technology. Students are bound to all of the rules and regulations set forth in the Regulation for District Technology (4526-R), Prohibition of Cyberbullying and Harassment Policy (4526.3), the Code of Conduct (5300),  as well as the additional provisions below. Students who violate any of these policies may be subject to revocation of their privileges and may face disciplinary actions as deemed fit by the Principal or Office of Information Technology.

    Procedures for Proper Use and Acceptable Use/Conduct

    • All student email accounts are property of the Babylon School District. Email activities must comply with all of the District’s Technology Policies, including but not limited to Policy 4526, Regulation 4526-R, Regulation 4526.1-R, Policy 4526.4, Policy 8635, Policy 8635-R, and all other District policies governing the use of information technology in the District. The users of student email accounts are to be deemed for all purposes knowledgeable of this policy.
    • All student email will reside on the District’s Microsoft Office 365 server managed through the Active Directory and maintained by the Office of Information Technology. Students are not permitted to use any other email accounts (i.e. Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, Gmail, etc.) as official district email accounts or to communicate with faculty and staff.
    • For the protection of our students and their own protection, administration, faculty and staff will only use their official district email address to email students at their official district email address and not side-step district security using personal or outside email communication (i.e. Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, Gmail, etc.).
    • The student will be removed from the system after graduation, leaving the school district, or revocation of privileges due to any policy infractions.
    • Messages posted on the district's email system cannot cause disruption to the school environment or normal and acceptable school operations. 
    • The email system cannot be used to operate a personal business. The account may not be sold or otherwise reassigned. The account may be revoked if used inappropriately.
    • Students will report any unusual activities such as inappropriate communications, obscene email, attempts by adults to lure them into dangerous behaviors, and the like to a faculty member or Principal.
    • Students will not identify their home telephone numbers, or home addresses in any email correspondence.
    • Email sent or received by the district email system is not confidential. Although the Board of Education does not make a practice of monitoring email, the administration reserves the right to retrieve the contents of user mailboxes for legitimate reasons, such as to find lost messages, to conduct internal investigations, to comply with investigations of wrongful acts or to recover from system failure.
    • When issues arise, the Office of Information Technology will deal directly with the school administration. The school administration will deal directly with the student and/or parents/guardians. Improper use of the system will result in discipline and possible revocation of the student email account. Illegal activities on the system will be referred to law enforcement authorities for appropriate legal action.
    • Students will only have the capability of sending/receiving email to/from district email accounts (administrators, teachers, staff, other students) at the Student email accounts will not be able to send to or receive from any other domain or account. The Office of Information Technology will work towards, a monitored system, for high school juniors and seniors, to have the capabilities of emailing external accounts for the purpose of college admissions (i.e. .edu accounts).
    • The Office of Information Technology will work towards, a monitored system, with other departments in order to whitelist specific email addresses that are relevant to instructional programs for Jr.-Sr. High school students.
    • Students may not forward email to their personal or outside account and will only have the ability to communicate within the domain.
    • If necessary, the Board of Education, at its discretion, may close the accounts at any time. Any updates or changes to this email policy by the Board of Education or administration will be in effect.

    Cross-ref: 4526, Policy for District Technology
    4526-R, Regulation for District Technology Acceptable Use Policy 4526.3, Prohibition of Cyberbullying and Harassment
    5300, Code of Conduct

    Adoption Date: July 7, 2020

  • Student and Parent/Guardian Permission Form

    Your child has requested access to the Babylon Union Free School District Computer Network. Access to this specialized educational resource includes the use of district-owned hardware, software, and connections to computers through the Internet, which would connect your child with educational resources worldwide. In accepting an account, your child accepts the responsibility of using the network and related resources in an appropriate manner. It is important that you understand your child’s responsibility as well.

    Please read the Babylon Union Free School District Acceptable Use Regulation with your child. After reading the Use Regulation, please complete this form to indicate that you agree to terms and conditions outlined. The signatures of both the student and parent/guardian, indicating that you have read and agreed to our Use Regulation, are mandatory before access may be granted to the Babylon School District Network.

    As a user of the Babylon Union Free School District Computer Network, I have read and hereby agree to comply with the Acceptable Use Regulation.

    Student Signature:       
    Student Name (Please Print):              
    Student’s School:     
    As a parent/legal guardian of the student signing above, I grant permission for my child to access networked computer services such as the Internet. I have read and agree to the Babylon School District Acceptable Use Regulation, and I understand that I may be held liable for deliberate or intentional damage caused by my child in violation of the Acceptable Use Regulation. I understand that some materials on the Internet may be objectionable; therefore, I agree to accept responsibility for guiding my child and conveying to him/her appropriate standards for selecting, sharing and/or exploring information and media.

    Parent/Guardian Signature:     
    Parent/Guardian Name (Print Please):          
    Home Address:
    Home Telephone:     
    Day Telephone:

    Please complete this form and return to your child’s school. 

    Adoption date: June 10, 2002
    Revisited: October 19, 2009
    Revised: July 7, 2020

    Please Note: This form is now collected digitally through the Parent Portal. 


    Staff Agreement Form

    You have requested access to the Babylon Union Free School District Computer Network. This access includes the use of district-owned hardware, software and connections to computers through the Internet, which would connect you with educational resources worldwide. In accepting an account, you accept the responsibility of using the network and related resources in an appropriate manner.

    Please read the Acceptable Use Policy (4526-R) and complete this form to indicate that you agree to terms and conditions outlined.

    As an employee of the Babylon Union Free School District and a user of the computer network, I acknowledge receipt of the Acceptable Use Regulation.

    Name (Please Print):                                                                                                                
    Primary Work Location:               
    Job Title:                                                                                                                                        
    Home Address:              
    Home Telephone:     
    Day Telephone:      

    Please complete this form and return same to the Office of Information Technology, prior to being given your network ID and initial logon password.

    Adoption date: June 10, 2002
    Revisited date: October 19, 2009
    Revised: July 7, 2020

    Please Note: This form is now collected digitally during the onboarding process. 


    The following rules and regulations govern the use of the district's technology and network including access to the Internet.

    I.    Network and Technology Administration

    • The Superintendent of Schools shall designate a District Director of Technology & Accountability to oversee the district's technology and network.
    • The District Director of Technology & Accountability shall monitor and examine all network activities, as appropriate, to ensure proper use of the system.
    • The District Director of Technology & Accountability shall be responsible for supporting district policy and regulations governing use of the district's network at the building level with all network users.
    • The Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and the District Director of Technology & Accountability shall provide employee training for proper use of the network and staff supervising students using the district's network, in turn, will provide similar training to their students, including providing copies of district policy and regulations governing use of the district's network.
    • The District Director of Technology & Accountability shall ensure that all software installed on the network has been properly purchased and licensed to the district or work in conjunction with special education on “Assistive Technology” installations and scanning for computer viruses.
    • The District Director of Technology & Accountability shall maintain the district instructional technology inventory.
    • The District Director of Technology & Accountability shall be responsible for the administration and integrity of the active directory and group policies.
    • The District Director of Technology & Accountability shall be a part of all planning projects for any technology installations.
    • The District Director of Technology & Accountability shall review and maintain Internet filters for violations or inappropriate access by users.
    • Only hardware (computers, tablets, printers, workstations, servers, routers, network switches, etc.) purchased, managed and maintained by the Office of Technology & Accountability will be permitted on the district network. Personal hardware (consumer printers, computers, laptops, routers, etc.) will not be maintained nor added to the district’s network. Faculty may add personal laptops, tablets, and other devices to the wireless network using the instructions provided by the Office of Technology & Accountability. Guest access to the wireless network may be granted by the Office of Technology & Accountability for devices relevant to an event hosted on district property. 
    • District faculty and staff are prohibited from purchasing and/or receiving (through donation, grant or loan) technology (hardware and software) without the involvement of and written permission from the Office of Technology & Accountability. This includes but is not limited to any software, programs, computers, laptops, printers, servers, routers, switches, tablets, iPads, or any other hardware requiring district support.
    • All Student agreements to abide by district policy and regulations, parental consent forms, and 1:1 device procedures, 1:1 device insurance coverage election form will be kept in the Office of Technology & Accountability.  

    II.    Internet Access

    • Internet access is a privilege and may be revoked for misuse, malicious use, bullying or any infraction against the District’s Technology Policies, including but not limited to Policy 4526, Regulation 4526-R, Regulation 4526.1-R, Policy 4526.4, Policy 8635, Policy 8635-R, and all other District policies governing the use of information technology in the District, and/or Code of Conduct.
    • All staff and students will be provided with a district network account.
    • Internet access is for educational and administrative purposes only.
    • Internet access is restricted depending on the filtering level of the user.
    • The district network is the only acceptable medium for Internet access for educational purposes and/or official school business.
    • Cyberbullying, social network sites (such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Rededit, Twitter, Google+, Vine, Snapchat, KiK, YikYak, WhatsApp, Tinder, etc.) that cannot be filtered for inappropriate material are strictly prohibited at all times on the district’s network except by authorized district administration for investigative purposes.
    • The district offers YouTube filtering to allow appropriate educational material at the teachers request.
    • All faculty and staff will be filtered by the district’s Internet filter. In the event a teacher or class wishes to do research or work outside of the filter they will need to request permission to bypass the filter for a specific topic and/or site. 
    • District devices (purchased by the district through the Office of Technology & Accountability will automatically receive Internet/wireless access. Staff may add personal devices or non-district purchased devices to the wireless network with approval from the Office of Technology & Accountability.

    III.    Acceptable Use and Conduct

    • Access to the district's technology is provided for educational or administrative purposes and/or for research consistent with the district's mission and goals.
    • Use of the district’s technology is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use may result in the suspension or revocation of that privilege.
    • Staff and students will never share their personal network credentials or any district usernames/passwords with anyone at any time. All network users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette (netiquette). This includes being polite and using only appropriate language. Abusive or sexual language or images, vulgarities and obscenities are all strictly prohibited.
    • Network users identifying a security problem on the district's network must notify The District Director of Technology & Accountability. Under no circumstance should the user demonstrate the problem to anyone other than to the district official or employee being notified.
    • Any network user identified as a security risk or having a history of violations of district computer use guidelines may be denied access to the district’s network. 
    • Teachers and parents have received copies of the District’s Technology Policy Student Email Communications (4526.4). 

    IV. Procedures for Proper Use

    The following guidelines govern proper use of all district technology.

    • The individual in whose name an account is issued is responsible at all times for its proper use.
    • Network users will be issued a login name and password. Passwords must be changed periodically. Passwords must follow the guidelines issued by The District Director of Technology & Accountability.
    • Only approved software, extension and/or apps (purchased and licensed to the district) will be installed on any district computer, laptop, tablet, mobile device. Under no circumstances will personal, unlicensed, or unauthorized software be installed on district computers (this includes district laptops, tablets and other devices).
    • Do not leave the account open and unattended.
    • Always log off or log out when leaving a computer.
    • Other than The District Director of Technology & Accountability or a member of the IT Staff, no users will have any installation rights on any school district computer (this includes school owned laptops and mobile tablets).

    V. Prohibited Activity and Uses

    The following is a list of prohibited activity concerning use of the district's technology.
    Violation of any of these prohibitions may result in disciplinary or other appropriate penalty.

    • Using the network for commercial activity, including advertising. This includes solicitation for non-district sanctioned events, products, services or propaganda using the district email system, website or any other technical resources.
    • Infringing on any copyrights or other intellectual property rights, including copying, installing, receiving, transmitting or making available any copyrighted software on the district computer network.
    • Using the network to receive, transmit or make available to others obscene, offensive, or sexually explicit material.
    • Using the network to receive, transmit or make available to others messages that are racist, sexist, abusive or harassing to others.
    • Using the network for any act of bullying or DASA infraction.
    • Using another user’s account or password.
    • Attempting to read, delete, copy or modify the electronic mail (e-mail) of other system users and deliberately interfering with the ability of other system users to send and/or receive e-mail.
    • Forging or attempting to forge e-mail messages.
    • Engaging in vandalism. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy district equipment or materials, data of another user of the district’s network or of any of the entities or other networks that are connected to the internet. This includes, but is not limited to, creating and/or placing a computer virus on the network.
    • Using the network to send anonymous messages or files.
    • Using the network to receive, transmit or make available to others a message that is inconsistent with the district’s Code of Conduct.
    • Revealing the personal address, telephone number or other personal information of oneself or another person.
    • Violations of students/staff rights as per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and/or the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
    • Using the network for sending and/or receiving personal messages either to an excessive degree and/or in a manner inappropriate for a professional and educational environment.
    • Intentionally disrupting network traffic or crashing the network and connected systems.
    • Installing personal software or using personal disks on the district’s computers and/or network
    • Using district technology resources for commercial or financial gain or fraud.
    • Stealing data, equipment or intellectual property.
    • Unauthorized file sharing, piracy, or torrent downloading, including the unlawful exchange of copyrighted media, software, or related materials.
    • Gaining or seeking to gain unauthorized access to any district technology resources, or vandalizing the data of another user.
    • Wastefully using finite district resources. 
    • Changing or exceeding resource quotas as set by the district without the permission of the appropriate district official or employee.
    • Using the network while access privileges are suspended or revoked.
    • Using the network in a fashion inconsistent with directions from teachers and other staff and generally accepted network etiquette.
    • Privately licensed streaming services (Netflix, Amazon Prime, iTunes Music/Movies, Hulu, Showtime, HBO, Starz, etc.) are strictly prohibited for use in education as these services are not under the “Fair Use” law as per the individual license agreements between individual user and service. These copyrighted broadcasts may not be used in public and educational settings and therefore are strictly prohibited on the district network.
    • Purchase or receipt of hardware (computers, tablets, printers, workstations, servers, routers, network switches, etc.) without the authorization of the Office of Technology & Accountability. Only hardware purchased, managed and maintained by the Office of Technology & Accountability will be permitted on the district network. Personal hardware (consumer printers, computers, laptops, routers, etc.) will not be maintained nor added to the district’s network. Faculty may add personal laptops, tablets, devices to the wireless network using the instructions provided by the Office of Technology & Accountability.

    VI. No Privacy Guarantee

    All users using the district’s technology should not expect, nor does the district guarantee privacy for electronic mail (e-mail) or any use of the district’s technology. The district reserves the right to access and view any material stored on district equipment or any material used in conjunction with the district’s technology.

    VII. Sanctions

    All users of the district’s computer network and equipment are required to comply with the district’s policy and regulations governing the district’s computer network. Failure to comply with the policy or regulation may result in disciplinary action as well as suspension and/or revocation of computer access privileges.

    In addition, illegal activities are strictly prohibited. Any information pertaining to or implicating illegal activity will be reported to the proper authorities. Transmission of any material in violation of any federal, state and/or local law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to materials protected by copyright, threatening or obscene material or material protected by trade secret. Users must respect all intellectual and property rights and laws.

    VIII. District Responsibilities

    The district makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, for the access being provided. Further, the district assumes no responsibility for the quality, availability, accuracy, nature or reliability of the service and/or information provided. Users of the district’s computer network and the Internet use these information technologies and services at their own risk. Each user is responsible for verifying the integrity and authenticity of the information that is used and provided.

    The district will not be responsible for any damages suffered by any user, including, but not limited to, loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence or the errors or omissions of any user. The district also will not be responsible for unauthorized financial obligations resulting from the use of or access to the district’s computer network or the Internet.

    Further, even though the district may use technical or manual means to regulate access and information, these methods do not provide a foolproof means of enforcing the provisions of the district policy and regulation.

    Adoption date: November 13, 2007
    Revised date: July 7, 2020

  • Overview

    Babylon School District issues 1:1 devices for use as part of their educational curriculum. It is the Babylon School District’s belief that these devices will help teachers develop the skills they need to become digitally literate and help their students become career ready with 21st century skills. These 21st century skills include:

    • Critical and creative thinking
    • Problem solving skills
    • Information and computer skills
    • Interpersonal and self-direction skills
    • Collaboration and communication in a global business world
    • Experience in an online learning community

    Devices will allow students to direct their own learning and have a greater reliance on active learning strategies, which will allow students to be able to transfer knowledge across academic disciplines. The increased access to this technology will enhance instruction and provide more enrichment opportunities during the school day for students to further their academic accomplishments.

    Once students receive the device, it will stay with them until a refresh cycle, they leave the district, or they graduate.

    Please Remember: During the school year devices should not be left unsupervised within public areas.

    Receiving Your Device

    Devices are distributed at to new students on their first day of school. Those students who fall within a refresh cycle, will have their devices distributed to them as they are prepared.

    When returning the current device, students must return all accessories that were provided at the time of distribution. If all accessories are not returned, the student is responsible to pay the replacement fee for that accessory. The replacement fees are outlined on the Babylon website under the Technology Department.

    Privileges and Consequences

    Student’s use of the device is a privilege not a right. The Babylon School District has purchased these devices for the sole and express purpose of increasing the digital literacy and 21st century skills of their students for instruction, learning and educational use. Listed below are the standard student privileges.

    Standard Privileges:

    • School (K-12) and home use (3-12)
    • Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge
    • Microsoft Office 365
    • Microsoft OneDrive
    • Microsoft Teams
    • Pre-Installed Software Applications
    • Pre-Installed Microsoft Store Apps

    Removal of Device from Student Use:

    The Babylon School District reserves the right to request a student return their device to the technology department at any point within the school year, if they deem it necessary, or if the student has violated the terms of use of the device as set forth in this agreement.

    Taking Care of Your Device

    Devices that are broken or fail to work properly should be taken to the IT Support Room at the HS (207a) or have your teacher submit a helpdesk ticket for the ES/GS. The sooner we are aware of an issue, the sooner we can help resolve it.

    General Precautions:

    • No food or drink should be next to your device at any time, in school or at home.
    • Cords, cables, and removable storage devices must be inserted carefully into the device as to not damage either end (plug or port).
    • Students must carry their device with the screen covered (not in tablet mode).
    • To conserve battery life during the school day, students should put their device in sleep mode while not in use, and turn the device off at the end of the school day for transit from school to home.
    • Devices must remain free of any writing, drawings, stickers, labels, etc that are not the property of the Babylon School District.
    • Devices must never be left in an unlocked car or any unsecured area in school or outside of school.
    • Devices must never be stored in an area that receives direct sunlight, an area that is excessively heated, or an area which exposes the device to excessive cold. Exposure to these conditions could damage the device.
    • Students are responsible for charging their device for each school day. Device battery life will vary depending on use but can generally be charged at night and last the entire school day.
    • Students may not intentionally cause damage to their machines by popping off keys to keyboards, being unnecessarily rough with their device, etc.
    • Students may not remove protective cases on the devices.

    Carrying Devices:

    The sleeve or bag provided with the device will have sufficient padding to protect the device from normal wear and provide a suitable means for carrying the computer within the school and to and from home. The guidelines below should be followed in order to protect the device from damage.

    • Devices must be within the protective case, or the keyboard closed when carried.
    • Some carrying cases (purchased outside of the school provided bag) allow for additional objects to be placed within it (such as folders, workbooks, and textbooks), but these must be kept to a minimum to avoid placing too much pressure and weight on the device screen. The device must be covered (not in tablet mode) and facing in (against the padded lining) of the bag to protect it from damage.
    • It is recommended that tablets be TURNED OFF before placing them in the bag for transportation home. When within school they can be closed to place the device into Stand By mode to transport it to another location.

    Screen Care:

    The devices screens can be damaged if they are subjected to rough treatment. The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure to the screen from carrying them within a bag filled with other objects.

    • Do not lean on the top of the device when it is open or closed.
    • Do not place anything near the device that if knocked into could put any pressure on the device screen.
    • Do not place anything in the carrying bag that might put pressure on the case/keyboard, which covers the screen.
    • Do not place anything in-between the screen and the cover/keyboard such as a pen, pencil, thumb-drive, etc. before closing it.
    • Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth or with an anti-static cloth. DO NOT clean your screen with an alcohol-based solvent as it will damage the screen.

    Using Your Device at School

    Devices are intended for use at school each day of the school year as teachers will prepare coursework based on the availability of technology within the classroom. In addition to teacher expectations for appropriate use of the device for coursework, the school may utilize this system for messages, announcements, calendars, and schedules. During the school day it is the student’s responsibility to have their device ready for use when they enter a class that will utilize it for that day’s lesson; classes should not be expected to wait for students to load their device.

    Devices Undergoing Repair:

    A device under repair due to excessive damage or a violation of this agreement is not an excuse for incomplete classroom assignments.

    Charging Your Device’s Battery

    Devices should be brought to school each day in a fully charged state. The students can charge their device at school during the school day as long as it does not create an unsafe situation, with wires that can be tripped on by teachers or students, and potentially damage the device.

    Account Image, Screensavers and Backgrounds

    Students can choose an account image for Office 365, although it does not have to be an image of themselves. All images should be appropriate for an educational environment. 

    Students may change Screensavers and backgrounds in an appropriate manner.


    Sound should be always muted or low as to not interfere with the educational process in other classrooms.


    Students will be able to print material from the device in a designated area determined by each building; however, this privilege will be removed for:

    • Excessive printing without retrieval.
    • Printing material that is not for instructional purposes.
    • Printing material that is inappropriate.

    Although student can add a printer for home use to their device, school printers will be added by the IT department only.

    Managing Your Files, Saving Your Work & Electronic Communication

    The Babylon School District reserves the right to control or monitor usage and all data that is stored within District resources. There should be no expectation of privacy and designated district personnel have the right to inspect these files as they see fit regarding potential violations of the user agreement.

    Microsoft OneDrive for Business:

    Babylon Common School District utilizes Microsoft OneDrive for Business to allow students to sync their school documents (local storage) with a cloud storage (storage that can be accessed from any computer, tablet, or smartphone with an Internet connection). This will give students 24/7 access to their instructional materials.

    When a student syncs their files (by logging into the school network, through a device or other school computer device) the district reserves the right, to monitor documents, files, etc. that are synced to the local storage network and at no point should students have an expectation of privacy.

    Any incidents that arise, that are out of the scope of the district’s capacity to control and monitor, they will work with local, state or federal authorities to resolve the issue.

    Microsoft OneDrive for Business provides one terabyte of storage space with each user account.

    Electronic Mail:

    Each student is provided an email address associated with the school districts Office 365 account. Secure passwords are initially set by the IT Department and can be modified once the student enters 7th grade.  No other e-mail account (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) should be accessed utilizing the device provided to the student by the Babylon School District or within the school building.

    Students should:

    • Always use appropriate language in communications.
    • Not transmit language, materials that are profane, obscene, abusive or offensive to others.
    • Not transmit mass e-mails, chain letters or spam.
    • Maintain high integrity regarding email content.
    • Not access another student’s email account. This may result in disciplinary action.

    Microsoft Teams:

    Students can collaborate with teachers and classmates, through Microsoft Teams. These features are to be used for appropriate school coursework and not personal interactions.

    Students should:

    • Always use appropriate language in communications.
    • Not utilize these features for inappropriate actions, or use language that is profane, obscene, abusive or offensive to others.
    • Maintain high integrity regarding utilizing these communication tools.
    • Understand that these communications are logged within the Office 365 environment and cannot be deleted by students.

    *Do not store confidential material in the OneDrive for Business or use electronic communication tools to send this information*

    Software on Devices

    Devices issued to students will come with pre-installed software licensed to Babylon School District and Apps from the Microsoft Store that must remain on the Device at all times. Any removal of this software will result in the suspension of privileges to utilize the device.

    Devices Pre-Installed Software:

    • Windows 11 Operating System
    • Microsoft Office 365 including Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive for Business
    • Microsoft Anti-virus
    • Web Filter & Monitor

    From time to time the school may add software applications for use within a particular course. The licenses for this software may require that the software be deleted from the device at the completion of the course.

    Students who have software that could aid or enhance their academic progress or enrich the learning environment that has been legally obtained, may submit a support ticket to the technology department for installation. The technology department reserves the right to say no, if they feel the software is a threat to the device or the district network. Any unauthorized installation of software on the device by the student may result in removal of the privilege to utilize the Device.

    Virus Protection:

    Devices issued to students have anti-virus protection software installed. This software will scan the hard drive for known viruses at boot up. The virus software will be upgraded remotely when the district technology department feels it is necessary. In rare circumstances, it may mean student’s access to device within school for a given timeframe will be limited or not available. The school’s storage server and mail server are also equipped with built-in anti-virus software.

    Web Filter & Monitor:

    All devices are filtered whether the students are in school or at home, for specific categories of web content that is inappropriate in an educational setting. All devices are also monitored for inappropriate content and/or students at risk.


    Student issued devices are the exclusive property of the Babylon School District as such; they can and will be inspected at random intervals throughout the school year for compliance with all of the policies and procedures outlined within this document and the districts computer network acceptable use policies. Students found out of compliance will be subject to removal of device use privilege.

    Acceptable Use Policies

    General Guidelines:

    • Students will have access to all available forms of electronic media and communication, which is in support of education and research and in support of the educational goals and objectives of the Babylon School District.
    • Students are responsible for their ethical and educational use of the technology resources provided to them by the Babylon School District.
    • Access to the Babylon School District technology resources is a privilege and not a right. Each student will be required to follow the Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
    • Transmission of any material that is in violation of any federal or state law is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to the following: confidential information, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, cyber-bullying and computer viruses.
    • Any attempt to alter data, the configuration of the Tablet, or the files of another user, without the consent of that individual, school administrator or the technology department, will be considered an act of vandalism and subject to disciplinary action.
    • Engaging in sexual harassment or using objectionable language in public or private messages, e.g., racist, terrorist, abusive, sexually explicit, threatening, stalking, demeaning or slanderous language will be subjective to disciplinary action.

    Privacy & Safety:

    • Do not open, edit, or delete files that do not belong to you.
    • Do not reveal your full name, phone number, home address, social security number, credit card numbers, and passwords to anyone while utilizing a device supplied by Babylon School District.
    • Do not go into chat room or send chain letters that are not for academic purposes.
    • If you inadvertently access a website that contains obscene, pornographic, or otherwise offensive material, notify the technology department immediately so that such sites can be blocked from further access and that you are not held accountable for browsing to sites you are not permitted to utilize. This is not a request, this is a responsibility and by not doing so, you may lose the privilege of the device.
    • If you notice any suspicious file, folder, websites, accounts, activity; please contact the technology department as soon as possible.

    Legal Propriety:

    All students must comply with all trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements, whether it is student owned or school owned, in regard to use of their device. Ignorance of the law is not immunity, and you will be held accountable for your actions.

    • Use or possession of hacking software, file sharing software or websites utilized for these purposes is strictly prohibited and violators will be subject to disciplinary actions. Violations of applicable state or federal law, including the New York State Penal Code, Computer Crimes, may result in criminal prosecution or disciplinary action by the district.


    The student in whose name a system account and/or computer hardware is issued will always be held responsible for its appropriate use. Non-compliance with the policies of the Babylon School District Device Procedures and Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Use Agreement may result in disciplinary action or through legal institutions.

    Electronic mail (e-mail), messenger, files stored on the device, school network or synced cloud storage as well as usage of computers on the school network and the device, whether it is in school or at home, may NOT be considered confidential. The district may monitor at any time by designated district staff or “journaling” to ensure the appropriate use of this as an educational tool. The district cooperates fully with local, state or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to violations of computer crime laws. Contents of these materials are governed by the New York Freedom of Information Law; authorities will be given access to their content.

    Protecting & Storing Your Device

    Device Identification:

    Devices will be labeled in the manner specified by the school. Device can be identified in the following ways:

    • Record of serial number, Babylon School District ID tag, BOCES ID tag, device name and location software.

    Storing Your Device:

    When students are not using device, they must be placed in in a safe and secure location throughout the day, and nothing must be placed on top of the device or stored in your vehicle due to heat and cold.

    Devices should never be left on floors or hallways when not in use.

    Devices Left in Unsupervised Areas:

    Please do not leave devices in open areas that are insecure or unsupervised. For example, if you stay after school for activities, place your device in your locked locker. If the device is stolen, the student will be responsible for filing a police report. Without a police report, the student will be responsible for total cost of replacing the device.

    Repairing & Replacing Your Device

    The Babylon School District recognizes that with the implementation of the device initiative there is a need by the district to protect the investment.

    Device Manufacturer Warranty:

    This coverage is purchased by the Babylon School District as part of the purchase price of the device. The manufacturer warrants the device from defects in materials and workmanship. This limited warranty covers normal use, mechanical breakdown or faulty construction and will provide replacement parts necessary to repair the device, but it must be sent back to the manufacturer; which will result in the student not having access to a device during this time. This warranty does not warrant against damage caused by misuse, abuse, accidents, or computer viruses.

    Please Note: Lost or damaged pens, mouse, power supplies, bags, cases or other accessories provided to you are NOT covered under the insurance program and must be paid for by the student/parent/guardian prior to or at the time or returning your device.

    Intentional Damage:

    Warranty protection DOES NOT cover intentional damage to the device. Students are responsible for full payment of intentional damages to device, not to exceed the cost of the device. The district reserves the right to remove privileges to a new device once the payment has been made for intentional damage, as devices are a privilege not a right.

    Student Carelessness:

    Device damage that occurs as the result of student carelessness will be charges the current cost of replacement. The list of replacement fees can be found on the Babylon website. Examples of student carelessness include: Styluses (pens) that are noticeably damaged, latches that hold the lid closed being pulled out of the device case, screens that are cracked or broken due to shutting the lid with objects still on the keyboard and the continual loss of keys from the keyboard, damage resulting from leaving the device unattended in school or at home.

    Device Technical Support

    The technology department will coordinate repair work for devices. Students should understand that repairs could take a few minutes to several days.

    Services include the following:

    • Hardware maintenance and repairs
    • Password identification
    • User account support
    • Operating system and software configuration report
    • Re-imaging hard drives
    • Updates and software installations
    • Coordination of warranty repairs

    Please Note: The agreement form is now collected digitally through the eSchool Parent Portal. 

    1:1 Initiative – Student Device Procedures

    Iniciativa 1:1 - Procedimientos de dispositivos para estudiantes